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Achieve Strategy Faster Through Digital Performance Management

Plan, Manage and Execute Your Strategy Effectively
Collaboration and Decision Making

Real time organization wide collaboration and data driven decision making

Impactful KPIs & OKRs
Performance Management Champions
Continuous Improvement
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Collaboration and Decision Making

Real time organization wide collaboration and data driven decision making

Impactful KPIs & OKRs

Real time organization wide collaboration and data driven decision making

Performance Management Champions

Real time organization wide collaboration and data driven decision making

Continuous Improvement

Real time organization wide collaboration and data driven decision making

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Manage and Optimize Your KPIs and OKRs Effectively and Seamlessly with Worke

Organization Wide Engagement

Worke's collective contribution model enables corporate strategies to be translated to best practice KPIs and OKRs that are cascaded throughout the organization.

Engage entire organization

Clear KPI & OKR ownership

Celebrate team member contributions

Organization Wide Engagement
Organization Wide Engagement
Organization Wide Engagement
Organization Wide Engagement

Strategic and Operational KPI & OKR Alignment

Worke's enables the alignment of high level strategic KPIs & OKRs with base level operational KPIs & OKRs to ensure that daily activities impactful to the strategy realization.

Alignment of strategy and operations

KPIs & OKRs that truly drive performance

Visual status of KPI & OKR achievement

Strategic and Operational KPI & OKR Alignment
Strategic and Operational KPI & OKR Alignment
Strategic and Operational KPI & OKR Alignment
Strategic and Operational KPI & OKR Alignment

Data Driven Decision Making

Combining Worke's real time, organization wide, data input capabilities with analytical dashboard functions gives management instant insight into organizational performance.

Customizable performance dashboards

Real time data timely insights

Make and instantly transmit decisions

Data Driven Decision Making
Data Driven Decision Making
Data Driven Decision Making

Digital Performance Management

Worke's enables team members to actively collaborate on KPI and OKR execution anytime/anywhere.

Collaborative discussion boards

Visual timelines and milestones

Real time task completion status

Digital Performance Management
Digital Performance Management
Digital Performance Management
Digital Performance Management

Our Services

Worke Digital Solution
Worke Digital Solution

Worke is a cloud-based workforce augmentation platform designed to catalyze higher levels of strategy realization.

Plan, Track and Execute Collaboratively

Real-Time Access Anytime & Anywhere

Fast Decisions and Actions to Realize Strategy

KPI/OKR Strategy Consulting
KPI/OKR Strategy Consulting

Leading strategic consulting services that will help your organization establish sustainable KPIs and OKRs.

Develop Industry Leading KPIs & OKRs

Cohesively Align Strategy with Operations

Transform Performance Management

Expert Training
Expert Training

Certified performance management training programs developed in partnership with the world-renowned 'KPI Institute'.

Train to Become KPI & OKR Experts

Access to World Class KPI Library

Gain Access to KPI & OKR Community

KPIs & OKRs Health Check
KPIs & OKRs Health Check

Periodic health checks to ensure that KPIs and OKRs are effectively managed as well as to identify opportunities for continuous improvement.

Coaching and Advisory Working Sessions

KPI and OKR Effectiveness Assessment

Strategic Improvement Roadmap

Frequently Asked Questions

You can get started with our free consultation with certified performance management experts to determine how can you level up your performance management

With decades of experience in strategic performance consultancy, we've realized that historically rigid performance metrics monitored by management on a periodic basis can no longer keep pace with today's ever changing world Worke enables the entire organization to collaboratively work towards the achievement of KPIs and OKRs, with real time performance data analytics for fact based decision marking

Worke will not work if it's not used. If your team can update their status on social media platforms, like FaceBook, they are tech savvy enough to be daily work Worke users (who we like to call Augers). Worke comes with easy to follow instruction manuals for everyday users as well as specialized certification training for those who aspire to be KPI & OKR gurus Gone are the days of laboriously collecting KPIs and OKRs across the organization via spreadsheets just to spend the night converting them into a powerpoint presentation before a quarterly management meeting

Contact Worke Today for a Free Performance Management Assessment by Certified KPI and OKR Experts

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